Open hours

Shop Center
Monday: 10:00 – 21:00
Tuesday: 10:00 – 21:00
Wednesday: 10:00 – 21:00
Thursday: 10:00 – 21:00
Friday: 10:00 – 21:00
Saturday: 10:00 – 21:00
Trade Sunday: 10:00 – 20:00
Hipermarket Carrefour

Mo­­n-Sa­­tu­r­day: 06:00 – 22:00
Trade Su­n­day: 08:00 – 21:00


Mo­­n-Fri: 10:00 – 20:00
Sa­­tu­r­day: 10:00 – 20:00
Trade Su­n­day: 10:00 – 18:00


Galeria Gniezno Shopping Center

Pałucka 2 st.
62 – 200 Gniezno
tel.: 61 428 62 49
fax: 61 428 26 59

  • en

Galeria Gniezno – shopping and entertainment centre

Galeria Gniezno has been an important point on leisure-and-retail map of the city and the whole region since 2005. It is a home of many well-known brands, including H&M. The city’s biggest retail space, various shops and service points, the only Helios cinema in Gniezno, home interior design stores (incl. Jysk and Castorama), the biggest Carrefour hypermarket in region and free parking lot with 644 spaces. These are only few assets of shopping centre’s wide offer.

Fashion? The main advantage of the gallery is the large number of various shops offering leather goods, footwear, men’s and women’s clothing. Ladies can choose from the offer of: H&M, Diverse, Reserved, Grey Wolf, Big Star, RO-MA Triumph, Apart, Yes, et al.

Beauty? Care and makeup lovers will also find something for themselves. The largest drugstore Rossmann in the city offers a wide selection of products from famous brands that will help you look and feel good. At the Semilac stand, you can make an extremely fashionable hybrid manicure, but also buy products for nail styling in the comfort of your own home.

Men can choose from the collections of: Giacomo Conti, New Yorker, Lee Wrangler. Fancy for new shoes? Welcome to CCC, Wojas, Deichmann, Ryłko, et al.

Always trendy kids’ and youth collections are available in H&M, Reserved and CCC shops.

Sports and tourism? Those who run an active life, can visit our sports stores, including: 4F, Sizeer, proSPORT: Nike, Adidas, Puma. Planning a holiday trip? It’s worth to trust the ITAKA travel agency, available in our Gallery.

Home interior? Arranging home or flat is a huge challenge. In order to do so, you can find help in Gniezno’s biggest home interior design stores: Jysk, Castorama. And if you want to buy some presents – go to shop.

Meeting? The Shopping Center is a great place for lunch, dinner or a coffee meeting. The rich gastronomic offer of Galeria Gniezno tempts with offers from all over the world. Taste Mediterranean cuisine at Greco or take a trip directly to Asia with the Ha-Long Restaurant. In our Shopping Center there is also a special family room – a discreet and functional place where you can safely and without fear feed and change your baby.

Culture and entertainment? Galeria Gniezno hosts the biggest Helios cinema in the whole region. 340 viewers can sit at once in comfortable seats. In two screening rooms the up-to-date Dolby 3D Digital Cinema technology has been installed. The cinema is equipped with high-class sound equipment. Gniezno residents can watch the latest premieres of top movies, as well as take part in various periodic special projects, such as movie marathons, connoisseur’s cinema, Helios for the ladies or Helios for the kids. You can also buy new books or popular board games when visiting the Świat Książki [World of Books] bookstore. The shopping gallery, apart from regular entertainment centre, prepares many cultural events which are very popular among city residents. To keep in touch with the Gallery’s latest news, it’s worth to follow its Facebook profile:

Galeria Gniezno is administered by APSYS POLSKA S.A. The owner of the Gallery is Ezraya Investments Sp. z o.o., belonging to Standard Life Investments fund.

Gniezno Gallery Shopping Centre 

Pałucka 2 st.
62 – 200 Gniezno

Phone: 61 428 62 49
Fax 61 428 26 59

Opening Hours:

Shopping Gallery
Monday – Saturday: 10.00 – 21.00
Trade Sunday: 10.00 – 20.00

Carrefour Hypermarket
Monday – Saturday: 07:00 – 22.00
Trade Sunday: 9.00 – 21.00

Monday – Saturday: 10.00 – 20.00
Trade Sunday: 10.00 – 18.00

Key numbers:

– total GLA area: 18 103,75 m2
– number of shops: 44
– 9 medium areas: Carrefour, Kino Helios, Jysk, H&M, Reserved, CCC, New Yorker, Deichmann.
– distance from the city centre: 4 km
– number of parking spaces: 644
– date of opening: April, 2005

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The ad­mi­ni­stra­tor of per­so­nal da­ta is Ezraya Inve­st­ments sp. z o.o. with its re­gi­ste­red of­fi­ce in War­saw (po­st­co­de 03-802), Ska­ry­szew­skiej 7(he­re­ina­fter re­fer­red to as the Com­pa­ny). Per­so­nal da­ta in the ran­ge pro­vi­ded in the cor­re­spon­den­ce will be pro­ces­sed by the Com­pa­ny to pro­vi­de a re­spon­se, in ac­cor­dan­ce with the expres­sed con­sent pur­su­ant to art. 6 par. 1 lit. a Re­gu­la­tion of the Eu­ro­pe­an Par­lia­ment and of the Co­un­cil (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the pro­tec­tion of in­di­vi­du­als with re­gard to the pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal da­ta and on the free mo­ve­ment of such da­ta and the re­pe­al of Di­rec­ti­ve 95/46 / EC (RODO). Per­so­nal da­ta may be di­sc­lo­sed to em­ploy­ees or as­so­cia­tes of the Com­pa­ny, as well as en­ti­ties pro­vi­ding sup­port to the Com­pa­ny on the ba­sis of out­so­ur­ced se­rvi­ces and in ac­cor­dan­ce with the en­tru­sted con­tracts, as well as di­sc­lo­sed to the en­ti­ties re­fer­red to in the con­sent clau­se. Per­so­nal da­ta pro­ces­sed in the abo­ve the pur­po­se will be kept until the con­sent is wi­th­drawn or the pe­riod of li­mi­ta­tion of cla­ims un­der the con­tract conc­lu­ded. Each per­son has the ri­ght to ac­cess the­ir da­ta and rec­ti­fi­ca­tion, de­le­tion, pro­ces­sing re­stric­tions, the ri­ght to trans­fer da­ta or ob­ject to the­ir pro­ces­sing, the ri­ght to wi­th­draw con­sent (eg in the sa­me way as it was expres­sed) at any ti­me wi­tho­ut af­fec­ting the law­ful­ness of da­ta pro­ces­sing prior to its re­vo­ca­tion. The da­ta sub­ject has the ri­ght to lod­ge a com­pla­int with the Pre­si­dent of the Of­fi­ce for Per­so­nal Da­ta Pro­tec­tion when he / she con­si­ders that the pro­ces­sing of his / her per­so­nal da­ta vio­la­tes the pro­vi­sions of the GDPR. Pro­vi­ding per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion is vo­lun­ta­ry.

By providing an e-mail address, I agree to the processing of personal data provided by me through Ezraya Inve­st­ments sp. z o.o. for marketing purposes, carried out by sending commercial information regarding the activities of the Galeria Gniezno Shopping Center via email to the e-mail address provided.
By providing my phone number, I agree to the processing of my personal data provided by Ezraya Inve­st­ments sp. z o.o. for marketing purposes, carried out by sending commercial information on the operation of the Galeria Gniezno Shopping Center in the form of an SMS to the final telecommunications device - a mobile phone, the number of which is given above.

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